“It can happen to you – and your clients. You can easily end up a victim even if you just don’t believe it can happen to you.”
With businesses relying on technology more everyday, the need for Cyber Security is at an all time high and it is a big issue. It can be devastating to say the least. If a hacker is successful at compromising your network and has malicious intent, who knows what would be done with confidential data and what harm would be done to the business as a whole including how much it would cost.
“The average direct costs of a security breach on small businesses are $38,000, according to a study from Kaspersky Lab. This total includes the costs of downtime, lost business opportunities and the professional services small businesses hire to mitigate the security breach.” – See more at: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/8475-cost-of-cyberattack.html#sthash.svDPQ05s.dpuf
“It’s in the news everywhere. Now is the best time and most important time to care.”
It’s no wonder why Cyber attacks are happening, hackers want publicity for their achievements and the more they gain fame the more attacks will occur. This also means that more companies are out their to protect against these kinds of attacks. More importantly, preventative steps should be taken to protect against cyber attacks to ensure the integrity of your technology and to mitigate any substantial business loss that can occur with these type of attacks.
“You haven’t been affected yet. Keep it that way.”